In the winter months, especially when there is plenty of snow, bobsledding and sledding is one of the most popular outdoor activities. This article will help you choose a suitable glider or sled, where we compare selected types of sled assortment for you. You will learn the advantages and disadvantages of each bean and also find out which type is right for you. Get ready for a thrilling ride full of fun and adventure with us!
Classic wooden sleds
solid, durable construction
good stability
high load capacity
There are different sled lengths to choose from
for smaller children, the option to purchase a playpen
also suitable for several sledders, the fabric seat does not get cold
higher weight (can give children a lot of trouble when pulling them uphill)
worse handling
quite bulky
they don't have brakes (they steer and brake with their feet)
higher purchase price around 1000 CZK
if the children will ride the sled alone, it is more suitable for the elderly
a larger layer of snow is required

Plastic sleds
light and compact
some have storage space
extended non-slip footrests
quite high load capacity
good purchase price - cheaper than wooden sleds
use the same as a classic sled
aerodynamic shape
shorter than a classic sled
they hold fewer people
the plastic may crack with a larger impact
wet and heavy snow sticks to the skids and reduces driving characteristics
Snow bobsleds
Bobsleds with brakes
hand brakes
light (also suitable for smaller children)
enable a more nimble ride
cheaper than wooden sleds
drives even on a thin layer of snow
for one beaver
the seat can study
brake control only
lower load capacity
the plastic may crack upon impact
a higher backrest is missing
Bobsleds with a steering wheel
quite easy
easily portable
they are well controlled
they can handle two passengers as well
frontal deformation zone (brakes any impact)
enable a more nimble ride
raised seat
drives even on a thin layer of snow
hand brake
not suitable for children under 3 years of age
lower load capacity
they can be more expensive
a higher backrest is missing
Plastic skibob
load capacity up to 120 kg
low weight
the possibility of different driving styles
rather for adults and older children
has no brakes or controls (steers with feet)
unsuitable for heavy and wet snow
a short initial driving style training is recommended
Bobsleds for the little ones
extended backrest
anti-slip seat
straps for fastening the child
for 1.5-3 years
they don't have brakes
they cannot be controlled
not suitable for older children
small load capacity (25 kg)
for going down small hills (rather just for pulling)
Sledge shovel
very compact
drives even on a thin layer of snow
also suitable for smaller children
the seat can be cold
just for one
not so comfortable
it has no controls
has no brakes (brakes with feet)
Sledge plate/glider
also suitable for two children
enables a more nimble ride
drives even on a thin layer of snow
it has no control (the plate can spin uncontrollably while driving)
has no brakes (brakes with feet)