Massage guns have become a very popular tool for effective massage of all muscle parts. The use of massage guns is widespread both among athletes and among the general population who want to treat themselves to effective rest after hard working days.
Our new massage guns include not only massage attachments, but also a massage belt. The main advantage is that, thanks to the belt, you can massage different parts of your body yourself, while at other times you might need the assistance of another person.
Massage of any muscle part
Practical and powerful
A comfortable massage after training or a hard day
Merco's vibrating massage guns are capable of massaging to prevent stiffening fascia that causes muscle pain, spasms and, in extreme cases, inflammation. These are caused precisely by excessive load and friction in the fascia between the muscles.
The new generation models are supplied with an adjustable belt and several different attachments for a perfect full body massage. In addition, most of our new massage guns also have a muscle heating function. There are heat blocks installed in the handle that can be set to three different temperatures. It is very simple and intuitive to use.
Massage gun accessories:
Tento užitečný pomocník vám zprostředkuje regeneraci unavených svalů po namáhavé svalové zátěži, po celodenním sezení v kanceláři i při rehabilitaci po zranění.